Sunday, July 20, 2008


hey guys.watched magic box yesterday. awesome tricks and lots of dancing in the middle. dont ask me why theres dancing. im clueless too. the story line was a bit lame, and made the tricks a bit too predictable cause they were following the all the death defying illusions were a bit less of a cliffhanger. the people were like frantically screaming for lawrence to escape from the spikes of doom, and there were chinese
there was a kissing scene too.and a little boy who was watching screamed "eee".lol.everyone was mad humor.i liked the levitation was fly! certainly gave chris angel a run for his money.
b4 going for the show , there will be some magician guyscomingto us with their rigged decks and trying to impress joshua, clement and i. joshua had a great time poking fun at themagicians by not returning the card that he there was a guy whose only specialty was to fly thecard around his belly area.and the only thing i have to say is that, that trick is old.invisble string, button shirt.enough said. we registered for S.M.I.L.E after stands for sharing magic in love for everyone.or something like that. josh wrote his name, told the magician that he wanted to register,looked at the list of names, found his name, and claimed that it appeared by still waiting for my church friend eugene to pass me patapon. if he doesnt bring it nxt week, i might just drum him to death

my mom discovered a website which provides free assesments. life will nvr be the same again. speaking of websites, i had to do some argumentative essay on whether internet is a bane or boon. should add that the internet gets extra demerit because free assesments can be found. everyone agrees right?

impromptu poem.hmmmm.brain is depleting because im just thinking about how powerful free asessments onlinecan be

free asessments online
thats what parents are trying to find
that idea is devil inclined!
humanity of children is put on the line
its worst than watching 10 performing mimes
at the same time
ok...maybe not

mimes are just freaky.i bet their CCA in school was library club.
arguing with mimes is pointless.u dont know if u are getting the silent treatment.
okok.i got agood mime goes

hahaahahahhaha!great one right?
ok. sorry. didnt mean to. mime jokes are just so great.


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